The first ever International Summer Program of the University Consortium of the 21stCentury Maritime Silk Road (UCMSR) took place in Xiamen University from July 20 - August 1, 2019.
In partnership with the School of Economics and the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University, the inaugural summer program was organized by the Office of UCMSR Secretariat and aimed at providing excellent college students from diverse backgrounds and cultures abundant learning experiences and knowledge on China's economy, culture and history. It is of great benefit to the facilitation of people-to-people exchanges, cooperation in areas of inter-university communication, talent cultivation, and the promotion of the ideals of a community of a shared future. The program saw in attendance about sixty undergraduates from 40 universities of 15 countries and regions along the maritime silk road, including Nanyang Technological University, Victoria University of Wellington, Newcastle University, University of Malaya, Chulalongkorn University, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Hokkaido University, Korea University, University of Bologna, University of California Riverside, Trier University, Leiden University, The University of Hong Kong, Nanjing University, Wuhan University, Sun Yat-sen University, etc.

Themed Grasping the Economic Pulse of China, this carefully planned summer program officially commenced on Sunday, July 21 at the Center of Science and Arts, Xiamen University with the opening ceremony and orientation. This period afforded participants the chance to learn briefly about Xiamen University and Xiamen at large. Prof. Wen Liu, Deputy Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange (ICE), Xiamen University, presided at the orientation, Prof. Shaobin Tan, the Associate Vice President and Director of the Office of ICE, Xiamen University delivered the opening speech and gave a warm welcome to all the participants. He wished the students could grasp a deeper understanding of the Maritime Silk Road and foster friendships with each other. Following that, Prof. Lei Meng from the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics elaborated the outline of the workshop activity throughout the program and Mr. George Zheng from the Office of ICE introduced UCMSR and emphasized some safety tips. The importance of team building and cohesion was also very much stressed on as participants were encouraged to network with one another. Following this interaction, the participants were led out on a scavenger hunt specially designed to help new people get acquainted with Xiamen University while having fun at the same time.
To clearly communicate the theme and purpose of the summer program, and offer the students "living textbooks", the program involved 6 academic lectures, 5 field trips, 2 local enterprise visits and 4 cultural experience activities aimed at advancing the student's knowledge about China's social and economic achievements and the great significances of the Maritime Silk Road.
Spanning experimental economics, Xiamen in the Maritime Silk Road, labour economics and China’s growth prospects, trade liberalization and China’s economic growth as well as One Belt One Road Initiative and China International Economic Cooperation, the in-depth classroom lectures were addressed by renowned scholars. An interactive “teatime with XMU Students” was also carried out in collaboration with the School of Economics. Added to the lectures, other cultural and sight-seeing activities were also arranged. Participants had the opportunity of visiting the beautiful Gulangyu Island, Nanputuo Temple, Wuyuan Bay, Coconut Village, Zengcuo'an and the Kah Kee Park. They also engaged in cultural and sporting activities such as sauce making, Chinese tea culture, Chinese painting and calligraphy, martial arts, golfing and the making of dumplings.

On Wednesday, July 31, the first ever UCMSR summer program came to an official end with a farewell banquet at the Xiamen City Hotel. Prof. Shaobin Tan, Prof. Yinggang Zhou1, Prof. Shaolian Liao2, Ms. Lisa Yu3, Mr. Shengqiang Zhang4 and Prof. Wen Liu presented the dinner. Participants took a turn in showcasing their talents and were advised to keep dearly the friendship and cooperation formed. Awards and certificates were issued to all participants. With a nostalgic feeling, the curtains were drawn on the 2019 UCMSR International Summer Program.

1.Yinggang Zhou, Professor of the School of Economics & Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics, Accociate Dean of the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics
2.Shaolian Liao, Professor of development economics at School of International Relations, Xiamen University
3.Lisa Yu, Deputy Director of Office of International Cooperation amd Exchange, Xiamen University
4.Shengqiang Zhang, Deputy Director of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and, Xiamen University