From November 3 to 6, 2019, the seventh Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) Science Forum was held for the first time in China at XMU. The activity was co-hosted by the College of Physical Science and Technology, Xiamen University and The National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The theme for the 2019 Forum was "Science Synergies in the Era of TMT". More than 100 participants from the TMT partnership and beyond met on the campus of XMU where they held lively discussions on hot topics in frontier science such as cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution, supermassive black holes, stellar physics, and planet formation in the era of the TMT. The Forum is a unique opportunity to learn about the TMT and get updated on its design and construction. The 2019 Forum agenda featured a series of invited presentations made by key speakers who reported on the state and future developments of ground- and space-based astronomical facilities with considerable involvement of China. The second half of the forum was dedicated to science discussions led by TMT's International Science Development Teams and three parallel sessions were organized on "Cosmology and Early Universe," "Planetary Formation," and "Stars, Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes." The final plenary session allowed each breakout session to present the content of their discussion to all meeting participants and highlight the operational and instrumental requirements needed for implementing these synergetic science programs.