Dear AUN colleagues
On behalf of Singapore Management University (SMU) and co-leading universities - Mahidol University (MU) and University of Malaya (UM), we would like to extend a warm invitation to you to attend the Inaugural AUN-TEPL Symposium on 27-28 February 2020 at Singapore Management University. We are expecting around 100 faculty members and academic staff across the ASEAN countries for this event where we will share best practices in the use of technology to bring about personalised learning. We hope to explore ideas and seek opportunities to collaborate in inter-university projects. Details of the event are appended below and at this link.
Feel free to contact us at if you require additional information. I look forward to meeting you at the symposium.
Best Regards
Lieven Demeester (on behalf of AUN-TEPL Steering Committee)
Associate Professor of Operations Management (Practice)
Chairman, AUN-TEPL Thematic Network
Director, Centre for Teaching Excellence
Singapore Management University
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