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​XMU's intelligent speech team achieves good results in the OLR Challenge
Updated: 2019-11-25 Hits:

On November 21, 2019, the results of the Oriental Language Recognition (OLR) Challenge 2019 was published and announced on a special session of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2019 in Lanzhou, China. XMU's Intelligent speech team, "xmuspeech" won the first prize of zero-resource identification task for their wonderful performances. The OLR challenge series are aimed at boosting language recognition technology for oriental languages and have been held since 2016. The OLR Challenge 2019, co-organized by Tsinghua University, XMU, Duke-Kunshan University, Northwestern Polytechnical University and Speechocean attracted a total of 45 teams globally.
