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XMU successfully wraps up 9th "I am a diplomat" College Student Diplomat Contest
Updated: 2017-05-07 Hits:

On the evening of April 28, the final of the 9th "I am a diplomat" College Student Diplomate Contest was successfully held at the Science and Arts Centre in Xiamen University. This event was jointly organized by XMU Academic Affairs Office, XMU Committee of the Communist Youth League and the School of International Relations and the School for Southeast Asian Studies of XMU.

The negotiation simulations revolved around how to address the food security issues in impoverished countries. Xiamen University team played on behalf of the African Union Commission, Huaqiao University the European Commission, Jinan University Ethiopia, Tongji University the United States, Wuhan University China, and Sun Yat-sen University Bangladesh. In the segments of position statement, negotiation, consultation, press release, public opinion observer questioning and summarization, the players representative of their separate countries distinguished in their own ways and showcased remarkable diplomatic graces and glamour. For example, the EU team gave a very persuasive talk in an effort to promote cooperation, the Bangladesh team held fast to their principles with poise and dignity, while the China team displayed unrivaled talent and rhetoric in their discourse on development.

After the game, the judges commented on the performance of the contestants, pointing out that in negotiations each party should adhere to its own positions, set clear goals and bottom line. Besides, the judges also provided guidance on how to properly use the language in diplomatic negotiations.

In the end, the team from Sun Yat-sen University garnered the first prize, followed by Xiamen University and Tongji University with the second prizes, Wuhan University, Jinan University and Huaqiao University the third. Sun Ziqing and Zhang Jialu from Sun Yat-sen University were respectably awarded as the Best Negotiator and the Best Press Officer.

Edited by Li Zhiruo & Luo Shuang 
